Everyone has value and something of value to offer others. Herbie discovers this in his journey and his value is celebrated in dramatic fashion towards the end of the movie as he famously removes the teeth of a giant white beast. Herbie's once downtrodden gait is now replaced with steps of hope and purpose. Hope ignites confidence. Where others see a vicious monster, Herbie sees opportunity to use his unique gifts.
I love Herbie. He didn't stay in the world of "this is what you should do/be." He did not pretend to be something he wasn't. He refused to work silently day after day conforming to another's expectations. He boldly chose to step out into the unknown. He weathered the winter storm and made amazing friends in the process. He made a way for other "misfits" to find hope and purpose. Way to go, Herbie!
And then there's the part of the movie towards the end where I secretly wish Rudolph would go off on Santa. But that's another journal entry...
Love it; love it; love it; love it - You are a wondrous and dear friend Melody. I totally 'dig' the way to tell stories - your class must be totally in awe of you. Big hugs for you and a smack on the back for Phil. LUV YA