Friday, May 31, 2013

Somewhere Over the Rainbow and Down the Yellow Brick Road

As a young girl I remember holding hands with Dorothy in the mountains of Boone, NC, effortlessly skipping with countless other kids my age. A theme park beautifully recreated the "Wizard of Oz" experience, and thus began my life-long love of the movie. Countless times growing up I would braid my hair, link arms with a friend and chant , "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! " Fun!

December 12, 2012 I turned 40 - not over the hill, just "over the rainbow."  I give thanks for every Scarecrow I've met on my yellow brick road, teaching me the power of thinking differently, questioning the process,  and pulling myself back together after a falling apart moment.

I give thanks for every Tin Man walking alongside me in the way. God uses the bandages of your diversity to help heal MY broken heart, giving me strength to continue with love enough for others.

And dear Cowardly Lion, who I now rename "Fearless One," your friendship - your holding my hand - nourishes my soul for the journey ahead. I think of you most. You know what it's like to fear.

The theme park in Boone no longer exists. Many remnants of yellow bricks cling steadfastly to the mountain terrain, but gone are the flying monkeys, balloon rides, and Dorothy's house. Gone is the cornfield where "Dorothy" introduced me to the Scarecrow. Torn apart is the shed where the Tin Man joined our adventure. And somewhere amongst the trees a marker no longer indicates the spot where a lion joins the ranks of true life changing friendships. Friendships motivated by love, not self-gain. Friendships fighting for the well-being of all, against all odds. Friendships much like the ones needed and found by a once 7 year old little girl who turned 40 this December.  A little girl harboring the power within her all along, but needing the journey and friendships to see and to believe the power exists.

Thank you, yellow brick road!


  1. I think just maybe you and I CAN fly, girlfriend! Love you Tin Man! I mean woman! Lol thanks for sharing your heart with me!

  2. Funny I put a comment up here the other day & it didn't work! Hmmm... Let me say I love this movie. My favorite part is where it changes from B&W to color. Sort of how the Lord takes us from the B&W storms and troubles of this life into his glorious (colorful) kingdom. What once appeared to be wonderful in this world is really colorless & lifeless and trouble compared to what is in His Kingdom.

    This is a fantastic first post Melody. Keep up the good work.

  3. Great analogy with the black and white changing to color! Great movie.

  4. What a wonderful article, Melody. Thank you for sharing that with us!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for showing me another way of looking at the movie besides flying monkeys!

    1. For some reason it does not want to link my name to this post. List is Laura Steward!
