Saturday, July 27, 2013

Running the Race

Hebrews 12:1
"...and we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us."

I love to run. I love the feeling of my leg muscles stretching into a beautiful stride and steady rhythm.  I love feeling the cool breeze blowing in from Lake Michigan and I love hearing the sounds of white caps lapping against the lighthouse. So with arms pumping and lungs taking in glorious air I took off today with a little over 2,000 runners to "enjoy" a 5K. 

Today's race surprised me. Hundreds of people stood cheering along the route. Some clapped, some rang cow bells, but all stood cheering the weary tired bodies running past to victory. When I came to the first steep incline a spectator yelled, "You can DO this! It's just a hill! You are strong! You have the strength you need! Just focus on the top!" Groups of volunteers eagerly awaited our arrival with water ready so we could continue the run well hydrated. And near the end the cheering became louder. Music blared. I felt so uplifted in the energy given to finish strong.

But my most blessed of moments came when I heard the gentle coaching of a dad or mom with a beginning runner. The words of support and guidance touched my soul. 

"Don't forget to breathe, son."
"This hill looks steep, but remember what I taught you, you can do this."
"I'm right here if you need to stop."

The power of an encouraging word was not lost on me today. With feet pounding the pavement I gave thanks to God for the spiritual similarities to my physical journey. Did the clappers and the bell ringers have any idea of how they helped me to continue with head held high? Did those passing out
water have a clue as to how thankful I was for that cold cup of water at just the right time? Did those
lining the street know how my fears of going off course were conquered? And dear parent, did you know the depth of your symbolic gesture, running a race with your child?

I want to be that encouraging spectator in a large race. I wish to be a part of helping a runner get rid of anything slowing him or her down. Keeping our eyes on Jesus, pointing the way to Him, the Completer of our race. Standing in the gap, so no one runs off course. Never giving up! Just keep
going! The road seems long, the hill impassable. But we must not become discouraged or give up. He runs with us. He's our assurance of strength and purpose!

The finish line approaches, and thanks to a little time keeping chip in my shoe, I'm only aware of my
own personal start and finish. Yours will be different, but finish strong and encourage someone else
along the way! 


  1. Melody,
    Thanks for sharing your race with others so we can all benefit from your cheering.

    1. YOU are one of those amazing life cheerleaders! Lets keep running this together! Especially that uphill part!
